Dartford Warbler (Sylvia undata) on an icy morning... (but don't bring out your skates quite yet)

The moment when you can start thawing your toes…

For my NW-European friends… A Non-Spotless Startling (Sturnus vulgaris:-)

Think he’s yelling something like “feliz ano novo!”, with an undetermined accent.
A complete list of our captures can be found on JMN's website: https://sites.google.com/site/juliomneto/blog
The moment when you can start thawing your toes…
For my NW-European friends… A Non-Spotless Startling (Sturnus vulgaris:-)
Think he’s yelling something like “feliz ano novo!”, with an undetermined accent.
A complete list of our captures can be found on JMN's website: https://sites.google.com/site/juliomneto/blog