The day a new apartment in the centre of Aveiro (Portugal) got occupied (December 1, 2015), a large pre-roost gathering of Barn Swallows (Hirundo rustica) got noticed there, high up in the sky. Barn Swallows are a species assumed to spend the winter in Africa....
Today some big folks signed some deal that would help us all with taking care of climatic change...
Today also, we managed to find the exact roost of the swallows. A total of 150 Barn Swallows was counted, roosting on some small street corner in the centre of Aveiro. On December 12, 2015. A record for Portugal for December? While all other birders in the area were driving around in their cars looking for rarities... None of them recorded a single Barn Swallow this day (or this month?) it seemed...
Merry Christmas and a happy Climatic Change to everybody, anyway...

Photo by Fabi

Photo by Fabi

Photo by Fabi